Well, what a day. From what I've read most LEJoGers would skirt around the Lake District, say on the A6 or other roads. I decided to go through it on the Kirkstone Pass (see map for details) and have no regrets.
Being honest I found getting through here less tiring than crossing Cornwall! Though I am fitter than I was back then. More or less one big climb and a big drop (again, study map). The Kirkstone Pass Inn at the top is a welcome stop and after the oh-so rewarding descent with great views it was very gentle round through Glenridding, where I stopped for scones and tea.
Then along the gently undulating road by Ullswater with views worth stopping for, before long country lanes to Carlisle. This had been another great day and again one where I was glad to have taken my chosen route.
I'm still in high spirits after this great addition to the trip, and not too achey. In case you were wondering, the traffic really wasn't too bad!
Stunning shot!